Today in Wellbeing, we explored what it means to be
B.R.A.V.E. The terms were broken down to us in the following ways;
B stands for
BE YOURSELF! It is important that we stay true to ourselves and not worry about what other people think of us.
R stands for
REMEMBER! We all need to remember our strengths, talents and remind ourselves of these regularly. Why spend time focusing on what we aren't good at or comparing ourselves to others. BORING!
A stands for
ASK! It is so important that you tell a parent, teacher or person that you trust just how you are feeling
. This way it can ensure you get the help that is needed.
V stands for
VOICE! Everyone deserves to be heard so we must remember to speak up if we have a problem, concern or want to be heard. There is always someone willing to listen and that can help us.
E stands for
EVERYONE! Everyone struggles sometimes and you are not alone! It is ok to not always feel great but you must remember that everyone feels like this at times. Don't worry about comparing yourself to others. Focus on treating others like you would like to be treated.
If you would like to learn more about how you can be BRAVE and watch videos of sporting role models discussing what this means to them, we suggest you check out the following website: