Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Leo and Edwardo's Inquiry Project

 For our inquiry we have been learning about the ancient Olympics. We would like to test your knowledge on this topic. Follow the instructions on the website and you'll be fine. Good luck and we hope you enjoy. Please tell us if you like it or if we need to improve it in any way.

Leo and Edwardo

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Today in Wellbeing, we explored what it means to be B.R.A.V.E. The terms were broken down to us in the following ways;

B stands for BE YOURSELF! It is important that we stay true to ourselves and not worry about what other people think of us.

R stands for REMEMBER! We all need to remember our strengths, talents and remind ourselves of these regularly. Why spend time focusing on what we aren't good at or comparing ourselves to others. BORING!

A stands for ASK! It is so important that you tell a parent, teacher or person that you trust just how you are feeling. This way it can ensure you get the help that is needed.

V stands for VOICE! Everyone deserves to be heard so we must remember to speak up if we have a problem, concern or want to be heard. There is always someone willing to listen and that can help us.

E stands for EVERYONE! Everyone struggles sometimes and you are not alone! It is ok to not always feel great but you must remember that everyone feels like this at times. Don't worry about comparing yourself to others. Focus on treating others like you would like to be treated.

If you would like to learn more about how you can be BRAVE and watch videos of sporting role models discussing what this means to them, we suggest you check out the following website:


Monday, 12 September 2016

A Multiculturally Olympic Day!

Wow! What a great day we had today celebrating the many cultures around the world with an Olympic Twist! 

This afternoon we were treated to a highly energetic, fast paced and overall super fun drumming performance by Melbourne Gembia. 

Thanks to Seniora Anderson for organising the day for us. 




Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Xavier's Inquiry Quiz

For my Inquiry project,  I have been learning all about the Olympic Refugee Team. I would love to test your knowledge on this topic and gain some data to use for my project. Please use the link below to complete my quiz. Good luck! Xavier.

The BFG who was Bullied!

Did you know that next week, on the 13th of September it is Roald Dahl Day! To celebrate this day we are focusing on Roald Dahl texts all week.

 Today for Well being we were learning about bullying behaviours through reading the BFG. We looked for how The BFG was being physically or verbally bullied in the text. Here is what we found!

Physical Bullying:

  • 'He grabbed the BFG by his hair'
  • 'The flesh lump eater shot out two enormous hands and grabbed the BFG around the waist. He tossed him high in the air and shouted "Catch him Manhugger!"
  • 'The giants were playing ball with the BFG, vying with each to see who could through him the highest.'

Verbal Bullying
  • "Here comes the runty one"
  • "Ho ho ho, there runty one"
  • "Go back to your cave runty one"
  • "Now then you little Grobsquiffler"
While this book teaches us so much about Bullying Behaviours Roald Dahl is also a great arthor. 

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Week 8 Stars!

Well done to our Week 8 Stars! The girls dominate this week. Congratulations Sienna, Siobhan and Bianca! Keep up the hard work! 


Thursday, 1 September 2016


On the most appropriate day of the year (footy colours day), Amy C's cousin Tom Liberatore from the Western Bulldogs came to visit our community! It was a massive suprise for us all. Everyone was super excited and he asked many of our questions, even the weird and wacky ones. 

Many of us even got signatures which was very generous.