Sunday, 23 October 2016

Week 3 Stars!!

There was no assembly this morning due to the Prep Orientation however we just had to give out awards to these people for their hard work last week. Well done John, Brendan and Will G! 


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Going Green!

                                                                                                 GOING GREEN!!

Today in Inquiry we learnt more about what is means to be sustainable. We investigated ways in which we are environmentally sustainable in areas of both home and school e.g. turning off the lights, eating nude foods and using active travel.

We learnt all about the 6 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Rethink and Repair) and what they involve.

Here is a cool song which tells us more about what is means to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

We have some homework as well for parents to complete. We ask that you please fill out our survey below so that we can learn about the sustainable of your workplace; 
Copy short URL

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Asylum Resource Centre!

Today some student from Grades 3-6 had the opportunity to visit the Asylum Resource Center in Footscray. It was very beneficial to see first hand the positive impact that our donations are making to those people most in need in our community. You can learn more about the Center, including ways you can help by visiting their website below. The selected students will be sharing their learning from the experience with the rest of our school community soon. Here are some feedback from students and photos of our trip.                                              

 "It was the most amazing place I've ever been!" (Xavier Healey)                              
"It was an eye opening experience and a memory that I will never forget" (Mark Cuni)

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Week 2 STARS!

A wonderful week of work by all students! Congratulations in particular to Michael, Kevin and Lily for all your hard work and acheivements this week. 


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

A walk in the park

Year 3/4 had a lovely afternoon walking and playing in the park as part of our immersion for Inquiry this term. Here are some happy snaps!


Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Ways of the West: Food Drive for Asylum Seeker

Way of the West
Asylum Seekers Resource Centre Assistance

The Social Justice Leaders would like to remind everyone that we are supporting the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre in Footscray during October.
A few items of dried food were donated last week and we thank you for those donations.

Listed below are the items that we are asking you to donate during October.

Please check the lists in your Learning Areas of the items that are needed and fill up the baskets in your rooms to help the Asylum Seekers. 

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Week 1
Monday 3rd October – Friday 7th October

Dried Food

            Healthy breakfast cereals
             Dried fruit, nuts, seeds
·           Healthy snack food (for lunch boxes)
·        Spices
·        Tea (black, green, herbal) and instant coffee
Week 2
Monday 10th October - Friday 14th October

Tinned Food

·        Tuna, salmon, sardines
·        Vegetables such as tomatoes, corn, peas
·        Lentils, chickpeas, beans
(No baked beans please)
·        Tomato paste
·        Small jars of honey
·        Long life milk
Week 3
Monday 17th October – Friday 21st October


·        Shampoo
·        Soap
·        Toothbrushes
·        Sanitary products
·        Shaving items

Week 4
Monday 24th October – Friday 28th October

Other household items

·        Dishwashing detergent
·        Washing powder
·        Nappies (especially larger sizes)
·        Gift cards (Kmart, Big W, Target)

Ways of the West: Food Drive for Asylum Seeker

Way of the West
Asylum Seekers Resource Centre Assistance

The Social Justice Leaders would like to remind everyone that we are supporting the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre in Footscray during October.
A few items of dried food were donated last week and we thank you for those donations.

Listed below are the items that we are asking you to donate during October.

Please check the lists in your Learning Areas of the items that are needed and fill up the baskets in your rooms to help the Asylum Seekers. 

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Week 1
Monday 3rd October – Friday 7th October

Dried Food

            Healthy breakfast cereals
             Dried fruit, nuts, seeds
·           Healthy snack food (for lunch boxes)
·        Spices
·        Tea (black, green, herbal) and instant coffee
Week 2
Monday 10th October - Friday 14th October

Tinned Food

·        Tuna, salmon, sardines
·        Vegetables such as tomatoes, corn, peas
·        Lentils, chickpeas, beans
(No baked beans please)
·        Tomato paste
·        Small jars of honey
·        Long life milk
Week 3
Monday 17th October – Friday 21st October


·        Shampoo
·        Soap
·        Toothbrushes
·        Sanitary products
·        Shaving items

Week 4
Monday 24th October – Friday 28th October

Other household items

·        Dishwashing detergent
·        Washing powder
·        Nappies (especially larger sizes)
·        Gift cards (Kmart, Big W, Target)

Genius Hour is underway!!!!

         GENIUS HOUR!!!!!

          We are VERY excited to announce that Genius Hour has begun for Term 4 in Grade 3/4.

          This is the first time that the Grade 3 students will have the opportunity to participate in             Genius Hour and the Grade 4 students will act as wonderful leaders during this process.

          Students will be able to explore areas of particular interest and fascination to them 

         e.g. animation, charity work, drama, games, fitness, design cook and lots 

          3/4 C and 3/4 Z's Genius Hour will take place on Tuesdays and 3/4s will have their 

           Genius Hour sessions on Wednesdays at 12- 1pm. 

           The teacher will work to guide and support student learning during Genius Hour. 

           We are all very excited and look forward to sharing our learning with you.

           Our ideas have the possibility to CHANGE the world!