Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Random Acts of Kindness

In our Wellbeing lesson today, we talked about things which we can do to make others feel valued and happy. Actions like donating money or clothing to charity can positively change a person's life. We can also do lots of things on a daily basis to make sure people around us feel special like helping our parents with household chores, spending time with our grandparents or giving our siblings a hand with a difficult task.

We watched a funny video about a random act of kindness and the link it provided below.
What was the last act of kindness which you have done for somebody else? :)


1 comment:

  1. I love the concept of random acts of kindness. You never know how a small thing can change a person's day.
    I once paid the parking fee for a woman who was in front of me in line in a city car park because she didn't have enough cash and the attendant didn't accept eftpos. I've never seen such a big smile of appreciation :-)
    BTW the link you provided above doesn't seem like the correct one, as it doesn't contain anything to do with a random act of kindness. Perhaps the link has changed?

    Regards Bernadette
