Monday, 2 May 2016

3/4's Friendly Acts

In the Year 3/4 Community we have been talking about how we can 'pay it forward' and do friendly acts for each other.

While the Year 4's were out today the Year 3's drafted a table of friendly acts which we will work towards doing one of each day! We also watched a video where many different people were 'paying forward' the friendly acts of kindness.

Check out our ideas below.


  1. Wow these are some great ideas. It is amazing to think how a little act of kindness can go such a long way. Well done 3/4 Community.

  2. Well Done Year 3's on the work you did while the year 4's were gone.
    Natalie and Amy N

  3. We think that these are very helpful for the 3/4 community.
    BY Amy.C and Daniela.S

  4. Isabella Sabatino3 May 2016 at 19:58

    Well done! A great list .. I can't wait to see these put into practise!
