Monday, 20 June 2016

Coding Club Games!

In Coding Club today we learnt how to make a game.  We also learnt new words to add to our coding vocabulary. They are: 

Event - When something happens that causes something else to happen.
Conditional - You have to meet the condition to be able to do it. e.g. You need a VISA to move to Australia. 
Debugging - When you reread your algorithm or program to edit and fix the mistakes (like in writing!)

We made some games and challenged ourselves to make them for specific year levels.  Test our games and give us feedback using our form below. We hope you enjoy them!! 

All you need to do is click to play. 

Year Prep - 2
Ashley's Flapsta Fish Game
Isabella's Flapsta Game

Year 3/4 
Sean's Flappy Game
Edwardo Flappy Random Game

Year 5/6
Amy N's Flappy Game


  1. It was so fun!!!

    Ashley Miles 3/4C

  2. I recommending Scratch when you're coding, but, you can use whatever you want to use.

    Trevor Tran 5/6C
    (P.S. Why am I on here? You might ask. I'm checking on Kevin)
